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Antigua and Barbuda

  • No restrictions on foreign ownership of businesses
  • No restriction on the repatriation of profits or capital c\gains
  • Exemption from corporate tax for qualifying enterprises ranging from five (5) to twenty (20) years
  • Exemption from import duties for qualifying businesses
  • Diverse and well regulated offshore financial sector
  • Highly educated labour force
  • Preferential trade agreements with the United States, Canada, the European Union, the Caribbean Single Market and Economy and Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) Economic Union
  • Excellent telecommunications infrastructure 
  • Excellent sea and air links to major markets
  • Legal system modeled on UK Law
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Offering one of the most liberal FDI regimes in South Asia, Bangladesh is a growing destination for foreign investment. Good-value labour makes it particularly attractive for labour-intensive manufacturing. A growing middle class in a nation of nearly 130 million citizens also provides opportunities in an expanding domestic market. Several export processing zones (EPZs) have been set up by the Government with accompanying facilitation services and fiscal incentives. Future exploitation of proven gas reserves in excess of 10 trillion cubic feet continue to attract large sums of FDI.

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Barbados is a service economy with tourism being the most important sector, normally contributing approximately one-third of the country's GDP. Other key sectors include business services (insurance, financial, administrative and support services), wholesale and retail, real estate, construction, mining and quarrying, and manufacturing.

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  • Un environnement politique stable : « modèle démocratique en Afrique »
  • Un gouvernement porté par une volonté d’émergence économique du pays
  • Un cadre juridique et une fiscalité incitatifs aux investissements
  • L’accès aux pays de l’Afrique de l’ouest, y compris le Nigéria avec plus de 120 millions de consommateurs : libre échange dans un marché commun – CEDEAO
  • Des investissements en pleine augmentation : preuve de la confiance des entrepreneurs
  • Des opportunités d’affaires divers, dans beaucoup de secteurs.

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  • Investment opportunities in high-end tourism, power generation, infrastructure, agriculture and information and communication technologies.
  • Free trade agreement with India, providing duty-free access to the US$1.88 trillion Indian market, and member of the South Asia Free-trade Agreement.
  • An educated work force with youth literacy rate of 86.1 percent and English medium of education.
  • A stable economic and political environment.
  • A premium brand

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Burkina Faso


Burkina Faso is located at the centre of the eight-country West African Economic Union (WAEMU), making it an ideal platform for businesses seeking to cover the regional market. The country offers opportunities in a range of sectors such as agro-industries, and specifically cotton, mining, crafts and tourism. Investors can take advantage of a significantly improved business climate with one of the lowest taxation on businesses in the region, more flexible labour rules, simplified investment procedures, and a stable and democratic regime in place since 1991.

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  • Opportunités d'investissement favorisées par le processus de reconstruction du pays
  • Coût de la main d'œuvre très compétitif y compris régionalement
  • Accès privilégié aux marchés régionaux par son appartenance à l'union douanière de la Communauté d'Afrique de l'Est (EAC) et à la zone de libre-échange du COMESA

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With access to large markets, low wages, a liberal economy and tourism, Cambodia is an excellent country for foreign investment. As a member of ASEAN, Cambodia has privileged access to the markets of Southeast Asia.  Steady growth in the tourism sector, with an annual growth rate of 30%, provides for ample expansion opportunities. Possible financing from the Asian Development Bank also makes badly-needed infrastructure development an area for potential FDI. Low wages continue to garner interest in the garment industry.

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Comoros finds itself on the crossroads of a number of trade routes, situated as it is close to the East African coast, Madagascar and other islands of the Indian Ocean. While its internal market is relatively small (864,000 inhabitants on its four islands), Comoros is a member of COMESA and therefore has access to a market of 400 million people. In addition, the creation of new air routes and important infrastructure investments is enabling the country to improve its accessibility. Formerly focused on exports of vanilla, cloves and ylang ylang, Comoros now offers interesting opportunities in tourism, fishing, agroprocessing and offshoring.

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  • Une voie naturelle de desserte des autres pays de la sous-région Afrique centrale grâce au Port en eau profonde.
  • Un marché extensible, fort de l’intégration du pays dans la CEMAC et la CEEAC.
  • D'importantes réserves de pétrole, de gaz, de potasse, de fer, de poly métaux, potentiel énergétique et terres arables.

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East African Community (EAC)

Comprised of Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania, the East African Community (EAC) will offer investors the second largest single market on the continent when integration is completed (expected in 2013). Each individual country offers unique investment opportunities, in addition to those for the region as a whole (See individual Investment Guides for country-specific information).
Areas of interest include a skilled and enterprising workforce in Kenya; some of the world’s richest natural resources for tourism in Tanzania; and one of the most liberal African economies in Uganda. The Community shares a common culture, with English widely used in business, government and the judiciary.

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  • Duty-free, quota-free access to Australia, Canada, China, EU, USA, Japan and Turkey.
  • Wide-ranging incentive packages for priority sectors and export-oriented investments
  • Extensive programme to develop industrial parks for export.
  • Rail connections to Djibouti port and extensive air connections.

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  • Diversified and established economy with strong business sector.
  • Opportunities in agriculture and horticulture, tourism, mining, power generation, ICTs, manufacturing and acquisition of state-owned enterprises.
  • Economic centre of the East Africa Community comprising 138 million people and a GDP of US$ 138 million.
  • International air and sea gateway to the region.
  • Strong reform gains to encourage investment: coherent vision for economic development, regular meetings between government leaders and investors, new framework for public private partnerships, reinforced investment authority.
  • New constitution with greater separation of powers to maintain broad-based political stability.

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Lao People's Democratic Republic

The Lao People’s Democratic Republic is a natural magnet to investors given its abundant natural endowments, its rich cultural heritage including two UNESCO world heritage sites, and its land-linked position between South-east Asia and East Asia. With its potential in hydropower generation, Lao PDR aspires to be the “battery” of South-east Asia. Investment in the energy sector alone could reach $5.2 billion over the next five years, averaging the equivalent of around 14 per cent of gross domestic product (GDP) a year. Beyond mining, tourism and energy, foreign agricultural investors are attracted by low land prices and rents, as well as low tariffs and duties on Lao exports.

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  • Strong potential in the sectors of tourism, mining, energy, agro-processing and apparel.
  • Diverse landscapes and climate areas with a unique biodiversity.
  • Preferential market access to the European Union, the United States and Eastern and Southern Africa.
  • Liberal investment and fiscal regime.
  • Competitive, French-speaking labour force.

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  • Peaceful country with no history of conflict.
  • No restrictions on foreign ownership of businesses.
  • Existence of Export Processing zones with tax incentives.
  • Duty waivers for health sector investments.
  • Regional market access through COMESA, SADC and the upcoming the Grand Free Trade Area involving the two regional blocs.

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Mali offers ample investment opportunities in a politically stable environment. After completing a Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative (MDRI) with the help of the IMF and World Bank 2006, Mali has improved its status as an investment destination.  As a member state of both the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), Mali possesses a unique market position in West Africa. Its agricultural section boasts the largest production of cotton in the region, not to mention growing prospects in sugar cane, rice, seed oil production.  Mali’s unique natural and cultural assets, such as the famed city of Timbuktu, also offer opportunities for investment in tourism.

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  • Growth opportunities in mining, energy, tourism, agriculture and financial services.
  • A liberal and business-friendly environment.
  • Key location between two large markets: China and the Russian Federation.


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Located in the northwest of the African continent and 15 kilometers from Europe, from which it is separated by the Straits of Gibraltar, of Morocco stands at a geo-strategic crossroads between Africa, Europe and the Arab world. The government has made great efforts to reform the economy and promote the foreign direct investment (FDI). The economic openness of the Moroccan economy increased from 51.2% in 2000 to 62.4% in 2007. The European Union is the main trading partner absorbing 73.5% of Moroccan exports. Within the framework of its development policy, Morocco seeks to diversify the growth of different sectors, particularly non-agricultural ones and has paid special attention, putting in place infrastructures to grow sectors of high added value and service sectors with high employment potential. This guide sets forth the rich opportunities and conditions present in the country.

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The Oriental region, one of the sixteen regions of Morocco, benefits from a fast-growing economy and a rapidly-developing infrastructure, the result of significant investment from the authorities, keen to integrate it economically into the rest of the country. The region also boasts a privileged location, bordering Algeria and the Mediterranean Sea, and with good transport connections to Europe. Within Morocco's business-friendly environment, investors benefit from the region's vast natural and economic potential in tourism, agriculture, renewable energy and offshoring.

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  • Un environnement politique stable.
  • Une façade atlantique de 754 km, un accès direct au Maroc, au Mali, au Sénégal et à l’Algérie.
  • Proximité relative à l’Europe.


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Called a 'success story' by the IMF, Mozambique has proven itself as an attractive environment for investment. Ideally located between Eastern and Southern Africa, it offers a strategic position for investment in a variety of industries.  Investor-friendly economic policies pursued by a stable, democratic government have resulted in rapid, sustained GDP growth over the past decade. Opportunities in agro-processing, manufacturing, renewable energy and financial services represent just a few of the sectors benefiting from the country's favourable situation.

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  • Real GDP growth averaging 4.8 percent over the last 5 years
  • Bordered by India and China with market size of US$ 1.84 and 8.36 trillion respectively
  • Opportunities in tourism, agriculture, light manufacturing and hydropower
  • 59.4 % of the population of working age with 60 percent literacy
  • New government established after a period of transition

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Nigeria is one of the largest markets in the world with prospects of being a top 20 economy globally. With successive transition of democratic government in the last 20 years, the governance structure and economic framework has grown increasingly stable and predictable thereby enhancing the competitiveness of the business and investment environment.

Nigeria is home to a fast-growing information communication technology industry, the largest cement industry and a wide range of agricultural produce. It offers great investment opportunities in power, infrastructure, transportation, solid minerals, manufacturing, agriculture, etc.

The most populous nation in Africa is open for business; invest in the economy that promises one of the highest returns on investment!

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  • Growing opportunities in high-end eco-tourism and conference tourism, ICTs, power generation, agricultural processing and logistics
  • Efficient and reform-minded public sector: only 6 hours to register a new business
  • Possibility to acquire government stakes in banks, insurance, telecommunications, hotels and agricultural operators
  • Member of the EAC single market of 138 million people and US$ 82.1 billion GDP

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Tanzania is a secure environment for investment in East Africa.  Forecasted growth rates of 4.5%% and inflation around 3% for 2010 also provide for stable economic conditions. As a member of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and the East African Community (EAC) (See EAC Investment Guide for more information), Tanzania has privileged access to neighbouring markets. Opportunities in mining, particularly gold, diamonds, base metals and gem stones, are successfully being pursued by numerous companies. Agricultural prospects, particularly horticulture, exist due to favourable climate and soil conditions, as does the development of fisheries along the coast and inland freshwater lakes. With twenty-five per cent of its total area allocated to wildlife parks and game reserves, Tanzania possesses unparalleled investment opportunities in eco-tourism.

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The Silk Road region

Known as the great East-West trade link in times past, the Silk Road region today provides a wide range of new and lucrative investment opportunities. With a combined market size of over 145 million people, the Silk Road region is ripe with potential. The diversity and richness of natural resources, together with overall political stability, are additional strengths. It has an abundance of natural resources such as petroleum, natural gas, hydropower and minerals. It also excels at producing agricultural goods such as cotton, fruits and vegetables, meat and animal hides, and seed oils. The famed cities and attractions along the Silk Road, in addition to breathtaking natural landscapes, make for prime tourism destinations.

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Guided by steady government policy, Uganda is regarded as having the most business-friendly environment in East Africa. Uganda is rich in natural resources and offers a wide range of investment opportunities in mining (cobalt, limestone), agriculture (coffee, tea, fruits) and fishing. The recent economic dynamism has also opened up opportunities in manufacturing and services. Extensive privatisation by the Government has opened opportunities for foreign investment in telecommunications and infrastructure. Known as the "Pearl of Africa," Uganda also has a number of eco-tourist attractions, including Lake Victoria and several wildlife reserves. Despite increasing numbers of tourists, the sites remain largely underdeveloped, opening the way for investment opportunities.

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Uzbekistan is a transport and communications hub for the Central Asian region, with a number of transnational corporations having already chosen it as their regional headquarters. Uzbekistan has a large internal market of 27 million people, with GDP of 10, 4 billion (in 2008), and offers easy access to the entire Silk Road market of over 142 million people. The guide highlights important opportunities in sectors and markets currently underserved, such as banking and telecommunications. This opens huge opportunities for market entrants in the areas of business loans and mobile phones. The guide also highlights potential in agribusiness and penetrating niche export markets such as fruits and flowers as well as in agro-processing. The labour force of Uzbekistan benefits from high literacy (almost 100 percent), is young and highly trainable.

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  • Political Stability since independence.
  • Regional market access through COMESA, SADC and the upcoming the Grand Free Trade Area involving the two regional blocs.
  • Good place to work and live – sub-tropical climate and vegetation with plenty of water.
  • An open-air lifestyle with nature reserves, game parks, rivers, lakes and waterfalls.
  • A thriving private sector

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